Comandante is back at work and determined to make my life a living hell. She not only picks on projects which were erroneously prepared by her in the past, but also creates unnecessary workload for those who are supposed to be "subservient". Ahhh, the lives of the rich and the not-so-famous! How lovely it must be to report to work with a very strong confidence in not only work security, but also a sky-rocket salary, and ability to implement any ludicrous idea that one might come up with in their spare time.
I often look at Comandante and see a lonely woman who is insecure about her physical appearance, appeal, and likeliness. However, I don't see why these intra-office power trips make her feel so incredibly satisfied?
The Dalai Lama says that "ignorance and afflictive emotions, called klesh in Sanskrit, give rise to unwanted circumstances. As far as ignorance is concerned, not just Buddhism, every religion recognizes it as the source of suffering. All over the world, much effort is put in education. It is something sacred as it helps to get rid of ignorance. But we have to be careful about the kind of education we impart to our children. Now I see well-educated people who are so unhappy. Sometimes, I think those who use their minds too much are unhappier than the simple people who don't. Why do they become unhappy? It is because of too much desire, hatred, and jealousy. The antidote to weaken that is increasing the right kind of knowledge. I think, perhaps knowledge coupled with a warm heart brings wisdom."
Let's think of that as we swim through negative people, reactions, emotions etc. and keep in mind who were born and meant to be - bright lights of good energy....
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